Christmas in Semliki Valley National Park

Destination : Sempaya Hot Springs

Sempaya Hot Springs(Female hot spring called Nyasimbe and Male spring called Bitente) are located in Semuliki Valley National Park which is located at the edge of the great Ituri Forest which borders Uganda and DR.Congo in the remote western side of the Rwenzori Mountain.

Semuliki National Park is one of the less visited National Park, however it's a great place for birding.
These hot springs are the reason why tourists visit Semuliki National Park . The word "Sempaya" was derived from a Swahili phrase "Sehemu Mbaya" which means "the difficult side" due to the challenge encountered during the construction of the Fort Portal - Bundibugyo road along the ridges of the Rwenzori Mountain ranges,thus Sempaya Hot Springs.
These Hot Springs are located about 30minuted walk from the main road deep into the forest tracks of Semuliki National Park. They're quite too hot about 103⁰c to the extent that tourists can boil simple foods like eggs, Bananas,and other foods in the hot springs.


The Amabeere Caves, also known as the Nyakasura Caves given their location at Nyakasura Falls, are located some five miles from Fort Portal on the Bundibugyo Road. Not really caves, more a large overhang, the name Amabeere Ga Nyina Mwiru translates as "Breasts of Nyinamwiru" with Nyinamwiru being the daughter of a local usurper king who reportedly had her breasts cut off to make her less attractive to men. This rather drastic plan failed and the King, Bukuku of Tooro, then hid her in the cave. However with her allure still strong, she became pregnant to the Batembuzi King Isaza and later gave birth to their son, Ndahura.

Unable to breastfeed the infant herself, she used what looked like milk dripping from the stalactites, which appeared milky because of its calcium content. Ndahura went onto fulfil a prophecy that he would become king and take over Bukuku's throne, a throne that was rightfully Isaza's. Ndahura went on to form one of the great empires of the Great Lakes area of Africa. Or so legend has it! To be honest the caves are probably worth a visit only as part of an extended walk in the area which would also take in the waterfall at Amabeere as well as the three local crater lakes. While there, you can stand behind the waterfall which is a great experience and even swim in the small pool itself though it's icy cold and you may end up surrounded by colobus monkeys!

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Tourists : 5 From : 2023-12-25 Posted On : 2024-01-04 20:36:49 Co-ordinators : 1